Friday, January 06, 2006


Being Fully Prepared

This is short and sweet, but I have a couple of thoughts. We had our third unassisted birth at the end of September of 2005 and our daughter, is now just over 3 months old.

Anyway, to get to my point. I was prepared, of course, physically and even mentally. But I had some emotional preparation which wasn't quite complete. This created, for me, less integration of the pain. It hurt, dang it. With Regan I knew that and yet it wasn't even a quarter as painful as my first birth. With Aisling I knew that, but I had homeschooling, two busy children, a household, a calling etc etc etc to keep my mind off the much needed emotional, mental and spiritual preparation that is important.

Keep this in mind when preparing for a birth, whether at home, the hospital or wherever. Preparation doesn't just mean washing baby's clothes and diapers and having warm towels ready. It means connecting with the Lord and with your baby and being in tune with your own body. I will likely expand on this in the future, but we are busy packing to move and just with everything, I continue procrastinating.

I'm not as brave as you are to have an unassisted delivery but I did have a natural drug-free one and only went to the hospital at the last minute when my husband made me go. I am happy I stayed home through most of it.

My doctor was pretty amazed by how I handled the delivery but I agree, it is a lot about mental preparedness and connecting with the Lord and your baby.

I would be interested in learning more about your unassisted deliveries.

Thanks for your thoughts! UC isn't for everyone, but the more you learn the more you realise it isn't really an issue of bravery. I truly am NOT more brave, trust me, lol. Actually I think it takes more bravery to have the peaceful birth you want in a hospital setting. That it i hard. That is so wondcerful you stayed home so long.

Here is a link to our birth stories.

Click on Sinéad, Regan and then Aisling for their birth stories.

There are also a lot of great UC birth stories out there. They are so enlightening and educational. Do a search and you will find a whole lot of information!
Congratulations on getting back to basics with childbirth, the way it was meant to be. I realize modern methods are considered safer, but they can sometimes be too safe and sterile.

My four were born in England without modern pain relief, 3 in hospital and 1 at home. Such a contrast to today.

Glad I found this blog, although I guess you might not even see the comment since the date is a tad out :-)

Anyway, you are welcome to come visit my blog anytime. I have a free contest running at the moment, called "Spotlight the Youth," and not many entries so far. Some fabulous prizes. Closing date is August 31st. So why not send in an entry--and spread the word?

Oh this is so late, I don't know if you will see this, but thanks for visiting and for your comments.
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